Welcome to Our Practice
Moss Way Surgery would like to welcome you to our website, enabling you to access up to date information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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Monitor your oxygen levels at home if you have COVID-19
If you currently have COVID-19 and are at higher risk, you may be eligible for a free pulse oximeter to help monitor your oxygen levels at home.
Publication of earnings
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. The average pay GPs working at Moss Way Surgery in the l…
access to medical care
The open access service has been replaced with telephone consultations. If Doctor feels you need a face to face consultation you will be given a set time to come to the surgery or arrangements will be…
prescription requests
we are no longer able to accept written/telephone requests for repeat prescriptions for people who are not housebound. please can you sign up for online GP services, including ordering repeat prescrip…

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Introduction to the Breathe Programme

The Breathe programme is a flexible programme of exercise and education for patients with chronic lung conditions.
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Children's Mental Health Information

Liverpool CAMHS partners are there to help if you find it hard to cope with family life, school or the wider world. Sometimes these difficulties are too much for your family and friends to help with.
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Patient Registration
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Repeat prescriptions
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Foreign travel immunisations